Walkers at SUPERIOR Home Health Care
A walker, also referred to as a walking frame, is a product to assist disabled or frail people in maintaining balance or stability while walking.
Walkers are usually made of aluminum to make it lightweight and are adjustable in size to fit a wide range of people. They are height adjustable and should be set at a height that is comfortable for the user, but will allow the user to maintain a slight bend in their arms.
They are foldable, thus making for easy travelling. They are an inexpensive cost yet provide so many benefits.
The front two legs of the walker can have wheels attached, depending on the strength and abilities of the person using it. It is also common to see caster wheels or glides on the back legs of a walker with wheels on the front.
Additionally felt products adapted to glide with the legs such as adhesive feet, along with tennis balls with holes cut into them to place them onto the legs are also utilized on surfaces such as hardwood, epoxy and linoleum flooring common to institutions.
One size does not fit all as every person is unique.
At SUPERIOR Home Health Care, we do an assessment with you to determine the walker product(s) that would suit you!
The photo gallery below provides an illustration of the various walker models we can provide.